How is G J Patel School (Gujarati Medium) different from other schools?

Over the last 10 years, G J Patel School is known for its excellence in education. Its focus is on high quality teaching and learning, a broad and rich curriculum, diverse extra-curricular opportunities and a supportive guidance program. The school is not highly selective yet works on the intrinsic strengths of each student to achieve the academic reputation with a team of dedicated and trained teachers.

Does the school have boarding (residential) facilities?

Yes, G J Patel School is a day school and Vidhyanagari has common hostel facility with limited number admissions.

What is the teacher student ratio in the school?

The teacher student ratio averages 1:25.

When should I submit an application for admission?

The Admissions Office starts accepting applications normally in January every year for admission into the academic year beginning June. We accept applications at other times if a vacancy is available. If there is a possibility that you might relocate, you should submit all required application documents and payments as soon as possible in person or via email or by post. An application is processed only when all required documents and necessary payments have been submitted.

What security measures have you taken in the school?

Strict control on entry is a key to safety. Round the clock security of the campus is ensured through over 50 strategically located CCTV cameras monitored continuously by our security personnel & Ex-Army security guard manning the entry gate of the Campus.